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Celebrating 15 years :: 2005-2020
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Take control over your small server


This new version introduces the long awaited Monitorix man page with all the configuration options well documented and in a format easy to read and understand. It has been placed in the Section 5 of man pages, so in order to read it you must execute the following command:
# man 5 monitorix.conf
Actually you may omit the number 5 as it doesn't exist any other man page with the same name.

Another important new feature is the support for the Nginx web server, thanks to the special contribution of Aleksandr Miroshnychenko. Please see the new options in the configuration file.

Finally, the configuration file has been cleaned and reorganized a bit, the script was improved and some bugs were fixed.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The configuration file (/etc/monitorix.conf) has been extended with important changes.

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