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This version introduces two new interesting graphs to monitor NFS server and client statistics supporting NFS versions 2, 3 and 4. These new graphs are pretty complete covering almost all the values shown in the /proc/net/rpc/nfsd and /proc/net/rpc/nfs files respectively, and also include the ability to configure the list of NFS requests to be shown.

Since these graphs are very GNU/Linux dependant they won't be available on FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems at this time.

The following is an example of these two new NFS graphs:

Main page
NFS server statistics.
NFS client statistics.

Also and by popular demand, the new option $NETSTATS_IN_BPS has been included in the configuration file. This new option offers the ability to toggle all network values between bits and bytes per second.

Another important change is the improved support for the newer NVIDIA driver which adds support for the memory utilization, but not for the GPU usage. Please see this FAQ for more information about this.

Finally some cosmetic changes were made and some bugs were fixed. Please refer to the Changes file for all the details.

All users still using older versions are encouraged to upgrade to this one.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The configuration file monitorix.conf has been extended with important changes.

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